Product Management


Se debe realizar el login en el sistema con el usuario administrador para tener acceso a las opciones de gestion. En el menu superior debe mostrarse la opcion para loguearse en el sistema.

Despues se le mostrará una ventana con la vista de administrador. Desde esta ventana tenemos acceso al menu de todas los subsitemas que tenemos en nuestro sistema, tales como Sales, Website, etc. Para ir a las opciones del website, clic en icono izquiero superior y despues menu Website. The menu is highlighted in the below image.

Product Attributes Management

Debemos ir a la vista Website y despues el menu  eCommerce / Products. The menu is highlighted in the below image.

Se le mostrará una vista con los productos publicados en el sistema. 

Si desea Crear un nuevo producto clic boton New. Here you can select New option to view the creation form for a new product. Si desea Editar un producto, clic sobre el producto.

Ecommerce Categories Management

Odoo's Website offers an easy and efficient way to categorize products into different eCommerce categories on the website. To access the eCommerce Categories window, we can click on the eCommerce Categories menu. You can access all the eCommerce Categories described in the platform from the window as shown in the image below.

To create a new one, click the New button in the top left corner. You can enter the name and image of the eCommerce category, and specify the parent category and website. Once you have entered all the necessary information, please remember to save it.

Product - Categories

You can mention the category to make the product available in multiple eCommerce categories. For an improved user experience, you can choose from various Ribbon labels such as "Sale" and "Out of stock".

Product Attributes Management

The Attributes will allow you to describe various product attributes, and it will be convenient for e-commerce operations.

The platform's attribute window displays a preview of all attributes; Attribute Name, Display Type, and eCommerce Filter Visibility are some of the information displayed in the window. Click on the respective record to view predefined Attributes. See the creation window image below.

The Attribute visibility can be made either Visible or Hidden on the eCommerce Filter.